Cantraybridge College case study

Reduced errors, better accuracy, higher quality of care


Cantraybridge College is a charity that provides specialist further education college for young adults with learning disability, autism, or similar additional needs. They provide vocational and personal development programmes through day and residential setting to ‘support young people to fulfil their life potential.


Efficiency: Recognition that the powerful functionality of PASS would deliver a  significant reduction in the effort spent on administration.

Improved care: The benefits of sharing information and monitoring outcomes that would ultimately lead to improved care.

Control and insight: They chose PASS to provide the required level of control and insight to sustain and evidence the outcomes of the students at their college.

The impact

PASS was implemented across all services with bespoke care plans and records for all students at the college. Following implementation, they have:

  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Gained greater visibility of the care being delivered
  • Inspections easier and very positive regulator feedback
  • Increased staff motivation

“PASS saves an enormous amount of time. It’s cut down on errors, improved accuracy and it’s actually given us a lot of confidence in knowing that we have an accurate account of an individual’s support needs.”

Hazel Clark, CEO, Cantraybridge College

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