Appletree Support

A solution that can be tailored to reflect the way care is actually delivered


Appletree Support provides tailored care to children and young people with complex health care needs, living either in their own homes or in assisted living settings.

They pride themselves on their bespoke care plans and risk assessments and believe that personalised planning and individual assessments of  need are the cornerstone of high quality care.


Following a staff consultation and a thorough market research exercise, Appletree concluded that PASS was the only system they saw which ticked all their boxes.

An all-in-one solution: A single integrated system, incorporating both care planning and rostering, was their primary requirement.

Support for a Bring Your Own Devices policy: The ability for PASS to safely and securely support the use of their carers’ own phones to manage the delivery of care was key.

MAR charts: The PASS MAR (Medications Administration Record) chart feature, with its clear yet detailed visualisation of completed medication tasks, offered a reliable means for tracking and reviewing medications, in turn supporting the running of a safe service.

The impact

With the introduction of All-in-one PASS, Appletree Support has benefited from:

  • Time savings via the online completion and realtime sharing of care notes, resulting in improved legibility, enhanced channels of communication between the office and carers, and no requirements on carers to deliver paper records to the office
  • Voice to text data entry capabilities in the carers’ app for improved care notes
  • Easier staff scheduling with the onscreen visualiation of their calendar of care, and powerful tools such as the simple drop and drag feature to allocate carers to visits
  • PASS GP Connect, which offers direct access to their customers’ GP records to both save time and enable safer care
  • Configurable realtime alerts, supporting a more responsive and more effective service where it really matters
  • openPASS, which offers a transparent view of care for families and the wider care team

We’ve been able to tailor PASS to meet our every need. I have actually enjoyed using it, and I am extremely proud of everything we’ve been able to achieve since introducing PASS across the care planning and scheduling aspects of our service.”

Amie Merrett, Care Manager, Appletree Support

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