Reading Borough Council

Care planning and rostering on a single platform, delivering reduced operational overheads and a ‘single source of truth’


The Reading Borough Council Community Reablement Team provides short term care for up to 50 adults. Their service is fast moving, with frequent turnover of service users. Additionally their  Discharge to Assess and Extra Care services provide specialist care in a residential setting.


Following a competitive tender process and a thorough evaluation exercise, Reading Borough Council selected All-in-one PASS to manage the delivery of care across their in-house Reablement, Extra Care and Discharge to Assess services.

An all-in-one solution: With care planning and rostering available from a single platform, they could see significant ease of use advantages for both their coordinators and carers.

Personal experience: The Community Reablement team  had already been using PASS Care Planning, and knew from personal experience that the format was easy to use and well suited to their requirements.

Out of hours support: Knowing that the customer support desk is available and responsive 24/7 gave peace of mind.

The impact

With the introduction of All-in-one PASS, Reading Borough Council has benefited from:

  • Simplified care delivery via a single app rather than separate apps for care planning and rostering
  • The ‘Excluded Carer’ scheduling feature, preventing the assignment of unsuitable carers to visits with specific carer criteria
  • Process automation with PASS tagging, assigning custom tags to service users and/ or employees, subsequently used to filter either for reporting or to support scheduling
  • Enhanced transparency via the openPASS shared view of care available to family members, useful especially if they do not live close by
  • Improved visibility of care information for the wider team of Health Staff via openPASS, with a useful communications tool for feeding back to the care team

As an early adopter of All-in-one PASS, our use case examples and product enhancement suggestions were taken on board and have helped to shape the product that we see today. We really feel that our voice was heard.

Alison Lane, Reablement Coordinator, Adult Care & Health Services, Reading Borough Council

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