Care reporting software for data-driven teams

Create care reports, compare trends, and track outcomes to optimise your service—all from one comprehensive dashboard with PASS care reporting.

Care reporting software | PASS by everyLIFE

Dive into every detail of your care service with clear, actionable insights that help you do what you do best—only better.

Create reports

Create dynamic or templated care reports with just a few clicks

Optimise delivery

Gain full visibility and track trends and incidents

Report outcomes

Demonstrate outstanding care with a full audit trail

All of your data

Seamlessly sync care planning, scheduling and finance data

Get the full picture

Keep a close eye on all aspects of care with detailed incident and outcome reports.

Understand the 'why' behind each event with our intuitive reporting features
Access real-time data through clear, easy-to-understand charts
Explore trends for individuals or across locations
PASS care reporting - complete view of care

Simplify your care reporting

Create and share customised reports effortlessly, meeting all compliance needs and keeping everyone informed.

Easily export reports in XLS or PDF formats
Tailor reports for audits and inspections
PASS care reporting - generate and export reports

Make smarter decisions

Use our detailed analytics to enhance the quality of care and improve your operational efficiency.

Benchmark and compare performance across different care locations
Quickly spot and tackle key performance issues
PASS care reporting - compare locations and make decisions

See missed bookings

View missed bookings and medication tasks for quick resolution.

Tag data

Use preset or custom tags to drill down into reports.

Drive efficiency

Find gaps in availability to deliver more care visits or spend more time per customer.

Compare and benchmark

Compare performance across multiple care locations or caregivers, including residential and home care reporting.

Join 84,000+ care professionals using PASS

Care management software on desktop, tablet and smartphone

Try PASS care reporting software

Instantly generate reports using all of your care data
Stay informed with actionable insights
NHS Assured Solution with full training and onboarding

Care reporting software FAQs

A care report is a detailed document that records all aspects of care provided to individuals, capturing interventions, outcomes, and any changes in their condition. It serves as an essential tool for ensuring transparency, consistency, and continuous improvement in the delivery of care services.

The feature enables comprehensive monitoring of care delivery, highlighting key trends and incident reports in an easily understandable format.

By analysing data for trends and root causes, the tool supports informed decision-making to enhance care quality and compliance across locations.

Yes, reports can be customized and exported in XLS or PDF formats to share with external bodies like the CQC, ensuring all auditing requirements are met.

Tracking incidents and outcomes helps relate specific activities to user progress, aiding in detailed and accountable care planning.

The feature streamlines administrative tasks by providing clear, accessible reports and automated tracking, allowing staff to dedicate more time to person-centred care.

More features from PASS

In association with:

everyLIFE Technologies in association with Digital Social Care
everyLIFE Technologies in association with the Homecare Association
everyLIFE Technologies in association with CASPA
everyLIFE Technologies in association with the TSA