PASS is Cyber Essentials Plus certified!

Exciting news from PASS! We’ve achieved Cyber Essentials Plus certification, marking a significant step in our ongoing commitment to cybersecurity excellence.

This certification underlines our dedication to safeguarding our customers’ data and enhancing trust in our services.

PASS cyber essentials plus certified

What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

Cyber Essentials Plus is an advanced cybersecurity certification in the UK, requiring a verified Cyber Essentials certificate as a starting point.

It includes a thorough audit by professional assessors to ensure our declared security controls are actively and effectively in place.

Achieving this level of certification confirms our adherence to respected baseline security standards, offering our clients, partners, and staff a higher degree of confidence in our interactions.

Benefits for our customers

Achieving Cyber Essentials Plus certification means we’re at the forefront of protecting against cyber threats, providing our customers with:

  • Superior protection from cyber attacks
  • Assurance of secure data handling
  • Confidence in our proactive security stance

This milestone is more than just an achievement; it’s our promise to maintain the highest security standards, ensuring the safety and integrity of the sensitive data we manage.

Would you like to learn more about how PASS care management software can support your service? Book your free tour today.

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