Fixing Social Care

Fixing social care is a hot topic right now, especially since the gauntlet has well and truly passed on to the new Prime Minister.

The social care green paper continues to be delayed, and of course, we’re no further forward in finding a solution for the funding crisis.

It seems too complicated to tackle, albeit Boris Johnson has made a promise during his first speech as prime minister about his intention to finally come up with a solution:

“My job is to protect you or your parents or grandparents from the fear of having to sell your home to pay for the costs of care,” he said.

“And so I am announcing now – on the steps of Downing Street – that we will fix the crisis in social care once and for all, and with a clear plan we have prepared to give every older person the dignity and security they deserve.”

That’s certainly a welcome statement, especially if it solves the disparity associated with the postcode lottery of funded care throughout the UK. But how will that translate? Right now, it’s anyone’s guess.

The reality is social care funding has been strained for many years, but it hasn’t stopped the independent sector looking for new and innovative ways to continue to provide critical and necessary services.

More importantly, innovations in assistive technologies have taken a big lead in supporting the sector to meet the huge demands in the wake of an ever-increasing ageing population.

Technology has not only transformed the way care professionals work; it has changed how those receiving care experience those services.

It wasn’t all that long ago that the majority of residential and nursing care homes were operating on a paper-based administration system. It seems unfathomable how person centred care could truly be delivered through such an antiquated system.

However, with closer scrutiny from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on how social care providers deliver and record care, and the importance of protecting data, as outlined in the recent GDPR rulings, companies like everyLIFE Technologies are taking the lead in supporting the sector in navigating their compliance responsibilities.

With the growing demands on the sector to evidence what they do, growing time constraints on carers to deliver care, and the limits on funding to deliver quality care, it makes sense to find ways of working smarter.

Technology is key to the future growth and development of social care but more importantly it is key to transforming the quality of life of those receiving care.

By Colette Lowe


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