Finding Our Nemo: Our Appeal To A Home Care Worker

In the wake of our excitement in having discovered Dentures, Guns & Money: The Diary of a Home Care Worker, by Rita Nemo, with Julian Hutchings, we decided that we wanted to know more. While the book gave us an insight into Rita’s life and the struggles care workers face, it also brought up so many burning questions that we feel only someone like Rita could answer.

So, we put our heads together and realised the solution was simple – ask Rita! Then came the how, and here it is below, our very own heart-felt appeal to an anonymous care worker…

Dear Rita,

Thank you for having taken the time to write down and share your story. It had such a positive impact on us here at everyLIFE and, we’re sure, on many others. Most importantly, thank you for the care you provide and for making a difference in the lives of so many.

We have definitely learned a lot from you, not just about the struggles that can come with a job in care, but also about the joy and reward it can bring from putting a smile on someone’s face or making their life a little easier.

Because we have been so inspired by your story, we wanted to give something back to you. We remember you mentioning in the book about the time a colleague left her paper care notes on the bus which sparked a data breach nightmare. When our engineers read this, they were horrified at the mere thought of it! Also, mentioning that other care companies using technology would have prevented such an event from taking place really validated our mission as a business.

everyLIFE are creators of the PASSsystem, a real-time care monitoring software that enables carers to input their care notes based around individual service user needs into an app on a smartphone or tablet which are then uploaded directly to the care office who can monitor care as it takes place. We would love to invite you to come and see us.

We can show you how the PASSsystem works and how it’s helping care businesses and their care workers all over the UK to face up to the challenges of delivering care. We understand that you want to remain anonymous, and we absolutely respect this. We would be happy to just simply call you Rita and have the opportunity to spend some time with you.

Click here or call us on 03300 940 122 and ask for Shara to discuss a meetup.

We so hope that you accept our invitation and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Truly,

everyONE at everyLIFE

P.S. As an aged Latin scholar, our CEO understood the significance of your name, the rest of us just liked the film!

Rita Nemo

By Shara Berrio, Digital Marketing Executive

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